current mood: melancholy
back to work today & it felt like i got hit by a truck. it's almost like the nice weekends make going to that place so much worse. i'm feeling a lot of stagnation & like there's no better path in sight. i'm emotionally pretty drained, worried about my friends & just really burnt-out.
i don't want to only write about sad things, however, so i'm not gonna elaborate on that too much right now.
i had a nice weekend. it felt long yet not long enough at the same time. on wednesday, i went to my city's art walk - it's like a montly event with vendors in the streets, music, & free museum entry. i went to the bookstore & got a coffee that was suprisingly so good i can't stop thinking about it. i bought a plant & people-watched while sitting on the grass at the park there. then it started raining.
thurday was a slower day, & then friday i went out & played basketball, did some shopping & a lot of walking. & this morning i left work early & went out to ride my bike. the weather is cooling off significantly. the sky was so clear - i love how the sky looks during fall/winter. my legs are gonna be really sore tomorrow. it's crazy how alive i feel just riding a bike in the stillness of the night. there's something so freeing about it & i can't think of a better feeling.
anyway, i ended the night with a grilled cheese & a perfectly *spicy* coke. honestly such a highlight to an otherwise shitty day.